Road Biking
I have recruited some more riding partners. We have enjoyed riding Little Red women only, fully supported rides in Cache Valley, Utah. We even ventured to Las Vegas for a support Goldilocks ride through Red Rock Canyon.
2016 has brought me back to road biking. I starting in 2008, but stopped while have kids. I have a riding buddy to go with and we have some grand plans for road biking trips. Our first plan is to get to 100 miles in one trip, so far we are up to 80 miles. We marked the 80 miles by doing a supported ride, Goldilocks. The support was great and it was wonderful to ride by Utah Lake. The one damping part was the weather was a high of 58 degrees that day. Also the sun came out as we where crossing the finish line. 🙂 It hasn’t slowed us down much. We are planning our rides for next year.
Thank goodness there is life beyond the computer screen, whatever size it maybe..
2020 I was able to have my riding buddy join me on a trip down Desolation trip. We have definitely expanded our overnight river trip group. My riding buddy has brothers that are as excited about rafting as we are!
In 2019 we where able to take our oldest 2 kids down Desolation/Gray Canyon Green River trip. They had a wonderful time and we learned about using Paco pads as floating beds for the kids to play on. Hours and hours of fun…
2016 adventure was getting to travel down a new river, the San Juan river. This trip was extra special we where able to take out 4 year old down with us. This was his first overnight trip on the river. We did two nights and then headed home, but he couldn’t contain his excitement for getting to be on the river with Dad and Mom. Dad was able to do 5 more nights on the San Juan. Happily he got off the river before going into Lake Powell and having to row to a marina. Our older daughter wasn’t able to come because she thought jumping off swings and breaking your arm would be so much fun. Next year both kids will be coming with us which ever river we pick.
2015 brings me another trip down the green river through Desolation and Gray Canyons. This year it was a nice trip for two, got to hang out with my husband for a week. 🙂 Our luck timed our permit to match with the extra release from Flaming Gorge again. The water level only reached half of flood stage for this section of the river (13,000 cfs), but definitely provided an exciting ride. The great part was the flat water we didn’t have to row. This year was only rain and a little bit of lightening one day and the temperatures in the 70’s. Much more pleasant then snow.
I have now made it though the Gates of Lordore (2014). That was quite the adventure. The permit date and the release of Flaming Gorge, let us run that section of the Green river at 9000 cfs, flood stage. What a wild ride, the river maps descriptions of rapids at high water where underwater!
I have been down Desolation and Gray canyons. These are along the Green River also. This adventure had snow and right round freezing temperatures. We stayed at camp one day because all our clothing had froze to the rope line.